Global Political Economy and Development (MA)

Universität Kassel
Global Political Economy and Development (Master of Arts)

The master program in Global Political Economy and Development (GPED) aims to introduce students to the institutions, actors, structures and processes characterizing globalized capitalism, North-South relations and development cooperation. It focuses on the global level, but also looks at regional and national settings from a comparative perspective. The program is interdisciplinary in character and is taught by scholars with a variety of disciplinary backgrounds, among them political science, sociology and economics. The curriculum is based on a pluralist understanding of political economy as well as development and covers both mainstream and critical perspectives. It stresses the importance of an integrated approach to research, which links empirical analysis with methodological and theoretical considerations. Moreover, there is a practical component to GPED: Students are expected to complete a two-month internship at NGOs, international organizations, research centres etc.


„Geringer VWL-Pflichtanteil (International Economics), großer VWL-Wahlteil (u. a. zu Komplexitäts- und Ökologischer Ökonomik), sehr interdisziplinär (Politikwissenschaft, Soziologie, Philosophie, VWL, etc.), international ausgerichtet (über 50% der Studierenden international; Gastdozierende aus Brasilien, Indien, China, Ghana, u.v.m.), inkl. Möglichkeiten zur selbstorganisierten Seminaren von Studierenden, die voll angerechnet werden.“

Website des Studiengangs:

Informationsstand: 14/11/2023

Meme: Ein Mann liegt in einem Krankenhausbett und wird von einer Krankenschwester angesprochen. Text: Nurse: Sir... You've been in a coma Since 2008. Me: Wow, I can't wait to see how much the economics textbooks have changed.

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